About Gloria G. Lee

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Touched By The Light Publishing

It is my pleasure to introduce to you a new author by the name of Gloria Lee.  She is a woman of survival, determination, and indomitable strength.  Her entire life has been dedicated to overcoming obstacles and winning.   She has survived a heart operation and breast cancer, weathering several surgeries over a scant few years.  She believes in mastering her circumstances.   Her mother taught her losing was not an option.  A person is to work at a problem until that problem is overcome or death arrives.  She is a woman who comes from a humble childhood and obtained her first job at the age of 7.  She earned her first dollar walking the streets with her grand aunt pushing a cart collecting scrap metal and cardboard.   Her second after school jobs were sweeping and cleaning a barber shop and a pool hall.  The young Gloria began a life long love affair with literature at an early age that has manifested into the book you now hold in your hand.

In 1963, Gloria enlisted in the U.S. Air Force.  In 1976 she was an aid worker with the International Red Cross.  Working in Malaysia and Indonesia, she helped rescue ethnic Chinese refugees arriving in boats from Vietnam.   Imagine being on a small boat rescuing people and you cannot swim.  When she returned home she donated her time to tutoring young children in both math and reading.  Gloria knows the ups and downs of life.  She has gone from being an owner of a successful business to living a year with her young son in her car.  Her vast experience as an aid worker, soldier, an administrator, and a homeless person prepared her as a writer.  You will truly enjoy her method of introducing subjects such as prostitution, religion, murder, adultery, and incest.  Her books are filled with so much information you will want to reread her books just to make certain you did not miss anything.    She deliberately introduces information to help save lives.

Her passion for writing, reading, and most of all, justice for the weakest in our society, shines through in her work.  My personal favorite has yet to be released.  That would be the series “Do This In Remembrance of Me.”  These eight volumes discuss the murders of over 20,000 American women.  Through her research, Gloria has dissected how violence plagues our society, and what everyone can do to empower themselves.  You may find her work chilling and you may be surprised, but what makes Gloria Lee’s writing so endearing is she is speaking from a place of authenticity that few writers can claim.  This is why I find I can seldom put her books down.

Terri Redwine C.E.O. of Prosperity Village

 Violence Against one half of the nation’s population is  horrible situation
that we all should work diligently to solve. The Do This In Remembrance Series
was written to describe the violence women experience every day.

Do This In Remembrance of Me Series

The series chronicles the murders of 20,000 American women from 1930 to 2010

In this series women in this country that can see talk and walk are being called to help with our common problem of powerlessness.   We can support our own organization and not beg for dollars from Congress for our women shelters.  We can make the men in this country change the laws.  The series says women must begin demonstrating that we care for one another.  Life is not all about the breast and butt size.  The American woman can stop Annie Lou in Mississippi from having unprotected sex and getting pregnant and destroying her life.  The American woman can stop the influx of women into this country to be sold into prostitution.  The American woman can stop young girls and boys being forced into the sex trade.  The American woman can stop women from being drug mules for their boyfriends causing them to end up in prison leaving their children abandoned.     The American woman can stop judges from forcing women into visitations where the women and children are murdered.   The American woman can stop judges from humiliating women when they appear in court asking for help with their irate husband or boyfriend.  The American woman can stop fornication that leads to HIV/AIDS, humiliation, pregnancies and destruction.  We can stop pregnant women from being murdered by males who do not want to pay child support.  We can make those legislators that are enacting laws to prohibit abortions by forcing these legislators to deal with the number of pregnant women murdered in this country.  Do you know of how many women in this country that has been murdered by other women all because of the conduct of men (see Volume Four, The Recidivist)?   The American woman can stop anything that is not in her best interest.  We just have to decide to act.

Pub Date: 2010 – 2012
Format: paper back
Publisher: Touched By The Light Publishing

The Deadliest Moment Part One and Part Two

What you are about to read is our announcement describing 3,051 extraordinary events about women who had their time on this earth taken away from them because someone made the decision to murder them. The power of our announcement should bring you pause, and our announcement should bring you the knowledge to preserve the time on earth.   Before you begin reading, we ask that you do not read this book in a car, on a subway, at work, in the library, or any place where you will be distracted. You will not need a book marker, nor will you dog-ear the pages. You will always remember where you stopped reading because as you read every name will become important to you. The deadliest moment in a woman’s life is the instant she tells her husband she would like a divorce or she tells her boyfriend she wants to end the relationship. There is no way a woman can calculate a man’s reaction to a divorce request. This is why this moment should be carefully planned. A woman should never tell her mate she wants to end the affair or marriage unless she is properly prepared. She should be prepared to flee. She should be prepared for any eventuality.

This is not a book for popcorn or potato chips, but it is a book for tea or Chardonnay. Out of deference and respect to the subject we ask that you only read this book in the privacy of your home. We want you to have a singular experience. When you begin reading Do This in Remembrance of Me, please select a time and place where you can be at rest and can commune with the women who will be speaking to you. They are worthy of your absolute attention. These are the women who have gone before you. You are on sacred ground.

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Make certain you read the Chapter Easy Pickings

The greatest insult to a nation is the maltreatment of the young, the old, and the infirm, and America has quite a record even with all of its generosity abroad and non profit organizations. The desperate acts against these populations are shameful and wasteful. We must stop certain members of our communities from killing off our past and future. America must establish a moreway, an inviolable cultural standard for generations to come, ardent in its execution that the elderly and young shall not be molested. We must reaffirm that the elderly are our national treasure, not to be treated as waste.   The elderly, both male and female, are the most preyed upon persons in our society, second are children third are women.  With the proliferation of drug use the number of elderly victims have grown.  Drug addicts look to the elderly as a source of money to support their habit and juveniles look to the elderly as easy prey.  It is as if some of the youth in this country has found a unending supply of fun money.  Juveniles look at the elderly as easy marks for intimidation.  Many of these juvenile intimidators have no problems murdering their victims.  The advent of juveniles into the criminal arena has cause thousands of legal battles to be fought as to their ability to reason and make component decisions.  The age 18 has become the standard when a juvenile can be subject to the death penalty for the conviction of a capital offense.

Murder In The Family Part One and Part Two

A woman can not assume that her husband will think that the best way out of his dilemma is to ask her for a divorce. Unless the woman knows what her husband’s dilemma is she cannot make any assumption as to how her husband will solve his problem. Once a man commits adultery his wife is now in the way of his mistress. The wife is in the way of his financial independence. The wife is in the way of his happiness.  She has become a problem and the children a liability.  He wants the silverware and the table setting. The dining room set should be his because he picked it out from the show room. His wife does not have a right to his pension because he is the one who went to work everyday. He can’t expect his girlfriend to accept him without anything. He has to have money so he can make his girlfriend happy.

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Let’s see what you know about the subject of violence against women. Here’s a hypothetical situation. You’re a woman with a husband of many years. You have children and live in a home in an affluent area. Your husband has just lost his job or his business is bankrupt. Are you in danger of being murdered? Take a second to think. If you said, “Well, I know my husband, I don’t feel he’s capable of it,” or “It’s possible, but I haven’t seen any signs of it,” then you’re second guessing the situation. The correct answer is, “Yes.” There are no caveats; there are no “what ifs” here.  If your husband suddenly loses his livelihood then you are in danger of being murdered. Case closed. Will it actually happen? There’s no way for you to know for certain, but you need to have a strategy. You need to know how you can extricate yourself. You need to know how other men murdered their wives in a similar situation.

Do not rule out your husband hiring a hit man.You need to know where you and your children can go should you have to leave the state. If you do not want to think of your husband as a murderer, that’s fine. Who would? It’s not a pleasant thought. However, find out if he has a life insurance policy out on you or whether or not he has a girlfriend on the side. If he is committing adultery, then you are to flee, immediately. You may be able to convince yourself that you know your husband’s character, but can you vouch for his mistress? To his mistress, you may be in the way of her living happily ever after with your husband. This scenario was presented as hypothetical, but as you’ve already figured out, it’s not. It has happened numerous times.

The Career Rapist Part One and Two

The most important man in a woman’s life is not her father, brother or husband.  The most important man in a woman’s life is the man who successfully hides his intention until he can exert maximum force to take a woman’s life.   He is the man a woman must plan her life against if she is to survive.  Countless women leave their homes everyday never to return because this man is not a priority in their lives.  Women must learn to be watchful.  Women must learn to expect him.  Women must learn he can be a neighbor, or a coworker wearing a smile.    He is a man who has dedicated his entire life to the destruction and humiliation of women.  Read and learn to defeat this man’s agenda.

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This book was written to eliminate all of the emotional and intellectual hiding places of women.  After reading this book you will not be able to stick your head in the sand any longer.  Rape can happen to you and murder can happen to you and to anyone in your family or group of friends at any time and any place.  The American woman is going to have to face the monsters in this country and defeat them.  We cannot continue to allow men to rape and murder women and children at will.  And we cannot continue to allow men and boys to force women and female children into a world of prostitution.

You are to never forget what you have learned while reading this book. Never!  You are to teach it to your children, both male and female. They need to know there are evil forces in the world working toward their destruction. We can hopefully avoid many pitfalls by being alert to the dangers around us including being alert to the person with the winning smile. He is the most dangerous person of all, the man with the winning smile who offers you a drink or helps with your car.

The Recividist Part One and Two

From 1970 to 1979 raping and murdering women was his passion. Murdering women was his pleasure and he took pride in his work.   Now he has had enough of the mundane life of prison. He wants out of prison. He wants to walk the landscape look at the stars all the while he can hunt another victim. Phillip Joseph Hughes, Jr., 57, of California is serving concurrent life sentences for killing three young women in the early 1970s. In 2001 he was denied parole he has to serve five more years before he receives another parole hearing. Can anyone say whether or not Mr. Hughes is any less dangerous than he was in 1970? In fact can we not say that Mr. Phillip Hughes is just as dangerous as he ever was?  Terry Blair of Missouri was paroled January 2004 after serving 17 years in prison for murdering his girlfriend. He began killing a few months after being paroled. Apparently the parole board thought the murder of Mr. Blair’s girlfriend was a crime of passion that he was not dangerous to other women. Mr. Blair killed eight women before the police tracked him down. Michael Bizanowicz’s, 41, a child rapist of Massachusetts, a level three sex offender, was allowed his freedom. He met a woman and moved in with her and her children. When he moved out he frequently visited this woman (a global positioning system confirmed his visits). A few months later January 7, 2004, he murdered Joanne Presti, 34, and Alyssa, 12, a mother and daughter living in that neighborhood. If Mr. Blair can murder eight women after being paroled for killing one woman and Mr. Bizanowicz killed two women after raping a child, why is it not possible for Mr. Hughes to murder once paroled since he has already killed three women?

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In Volume, Four Part Two, we will be discussing a particular recidivist and his victim.  We will be discussing the dissatisfied husband, the angry husband; the man who finds the only solution to his problem is murder. We will be discussing a repeat offender. The man who uses the excuse I lost my temper every time he uses violence against his wife and children. We will be discussing the man who tells his wife on one occasion “You better or else.” After he batters his wife he will come home the next day with flowers saying, “I will never do it again.”  “Please accept these flowers as a sign of my apology.” “Go out and buy yourself something nice. I want you to believe that I do care about you.” “I want you to know that I just lost my temper I will never do that again.”

The repeat offender is man unique unto his craft. He has the advantage because he knows his prey. He understands that his victim wants the marriage to work. He understands that his victim wants her children to be raised with their father. He knows that his victim is willing to do almost anything to help him with his addiction, his alcoholism. She wants to be one of the winners, a winner who has a marriage that does not fail. He knows that she is willing to work day in and day out so things will be right with them. He knows of her loyalty because she does not receive a single phone call at home. No one calls her. No one asks her to go out on the town with the girls. No one ask her to go bowling. She is alone; the most vulnerable position for a woman. He knows all of this because she has demonstrated her desire when she allowed him to separate her from her friends and family. He knows all these things yet he continues his offenses time and time again to insure compliance.


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